Login as label

Login as label

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Geben Sie Ihren VJ Street Benutzernamen ein.
Geben Sie das Passwort, das Ihren Benutzernamen begleitet, nochmals ein.

Sign up as label

Your name. The content in this field is kept private and will not be shown publicly
This will be displayed on the labels page to direct traffic to your website
Your phone contact. The content in this field is kept private and will not be shown publicly
Your mailing address. The content in this field is kept private and will not be shown publicly
This will be displayed on the labels page to direct traffic to your website
User name for login. Spaces are allowed, punctuation is not allowed except for periods, hyphens, and underscores
Provide a password for the new account in both fields, at least 6 characters
Retype the same password as above
A valid e-mail address. All e-mails from the system will be sent to this address. The e-mail address is not made public and will only be used if you wish to receive a new password or wish to receive certain news or notifications by e-mail

Record Label

Your music is submitted to us for PROMOTION purposes ONLY. We comply with ASCAP/SESAC/BMI rules. You must be a Label Rep, an artist or artist representative.

We understand that there are thousands of avenues to distribute your music to the masses, but what about distribution and feedback form the most important tastemakers in the industry... the DJ's/VJ's?

VJ Street has many active VJ's and we welcome and encourage Labels (major or Indie) and artists to submit their music to us. Please understand that we will promote and post the content that is sent to us and will give everyone’s music an audience it deserves. Our service to ASCAP, BMI, SESAC and RIAA artists is FREE to use as a promotional platform in the clubs, lounges and everywhere a VJ/DJ performs. We're known as the premier video-pool on all search engines to get the hottest tracks and know ALL the A-list DJs. As you all know, the DJ is king, so we try to get the music into the right hands. We try to release your music according to your specified Street date/ Promo Date/ Air Date e.t.c but depending on the amount of new music released, we cannot guarantee any timeframe. The goal is to get your music out faster and efficiently expose it to target audiences. The VJ's we service are all professional and entertain massive audiences weekly which translates to higher numbers on your record/music.

We strive to push any artists without discretion as long as the content is high quality and usable by VJ's/DJ's. In return we provide you the Label/Artist with valuable feedback on the music you promote Data that will ultimately decide wether your track will get air-play. In addition, VJ Street provides valuable market research data for your music in different regions and offer digital promotion service as a street team to help Record Labels release their music efficiently.

We rank as the top Video-Pool on all search engines and our audience is strictly VJ's/DJs. We have an established list that is growing daily. If each DJ played your song for an average of 200 people per night for 3 nights, that would be about 1,500,000 individuals weekly. We also do all the editing work to make it easier for a DJ to play your songs, so join our Digital Street Team of winners.

Your upload should contain:

  1. The Video
  2. All accompanying audio. Clean Version, Dirty/Club version, Instrumental version, A Capella version and any remixes if available.
  3. Lastly, if your video file is over 500 Megs, we request that you upload it to your server and send us a download link to admin@vjstreet.com

Welcome to the Digital Street Team